A selection of things I have worked on. Please view my portfolio for a more condensed overview.
3D-printing & prototyping
I also have some experience in 3D-printing and prototyping. I bought my own 3D-printer in the beginning of 2019 and with almost 2 160 hours of printing on this machine, I can say I know how it works.
I also have experience with lasercutting, vacuumforming and Arduino to create functional prototypes.
Flatpack bottle holder
The design of a bottle holder, made from lasercut pieces of cardboard/multiplex
MOBE is the award-winning body motion tracking wearable concept used for training and rehabilitation.
My masterthesis was a collaboration with Woosh around circulair economy and diapers
I like to be in nature and take pictures of what I see. You can find a small selection of my photos here.
TUO is a project focussed on improving airquality in classrooms and educating children around the topic on a fun way.
Underwater Projection
The underwater projection project was a project where we did research
around the possibilities of underwater projections, for example in a
swimming pool.
Vic De Vaccinatievriend
How can reduce vaccinehesitancy? That was the startingpoint of this project. To solve this, we designed an entire system, of which Vic was a small part.